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because they grow in hot and humid weather and rainy season is hot and humid.

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Nannie Keeling

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2y ago
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When is the monsoon season in Vietnam?

Vietnam has a single rainy season, from May through September.

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Based on the table provided, it seems that the rainy season could be during the month of April since this month has the highest rainfall amount.

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WHERE do frogs go during rainy days?

they go outside and do not hide. they love to go outside during rainy season.

Which two seasons come around in the amazon?

The two seasons that are seen in the Amazon are rainy and less rainy. During the rainy season, the Amazon will see between 60-180 inches of rain a day. During the less rainy season, it will see 30-100 inches of rain a day. The rainy season is between November and May.

Why does rainy season comes after summer season?

Because it evaporate the water in summer season

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