They are restless, and feel that they couldn't live with the monotony of marriage and only having one woman
Dr. Gray and Dr. Shepherd get married in season 5 of Grey's Anatomy. They ended up giving up their offical wedding to Dr. Karvev and Dr. Stevens, so they can get married because Dr. Stevens had cancer. Dr. Gray and Dr. Shepherd got married at Settle Grace on a simple post it note.
the dutch did settle in canada.
Because the government offered free land to settle.
cudjoe and his people settle there
The Vikings where the firts to settle in Canada
Answer One has to assume that you already know the answer you only want to confirm it. When he talks about such things it means that he wants to settle down with you and either get married or live together.
to settle down and bear children.
An emulsion
Settle down and have kids get a good job
yes,He is married to samantha Green, the two meet at a gym and it was love at first sight
You should not worry because they have no kids and they might just not be ready to settle down yet.If it is meant to be they will get married.
no but he is not male or female either cause he is a android robot dude :P
There must be something going on that he doesnt want to tell you about or he doesnt want you to get hurt. He's maily telling you that he still likes you but he need time to settle with what is going on.
she is in the UK. she left the film industry in 1961 to get married and settle in UK
I doubt it..They either love you or they settle.
Happy won't go out to the West with Biff because he wanted to be with his parents and Biff wanted to leave because Willy was annoying him with getting a job and having a life. Either son won't get married and settle down because they haven't started a business and they don't have enough money to settle alone.
Your husband is a polygamist. I would suggest that you see a lawyer and go from there.