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Because of the changes in the market in early 1956 with the demigraphics of the 30-something shift to a top heavy skew, Viacam was forced to change their corp. misson to a centralized J.I.T. managment strategy. Leading to obvious results. Mis-marketing can be an ugly thing.

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It's doing the same as Nintendo. Attacking its own fans. I , as a Roblox player , am a first view ,,Victim" of this. Viacom took down the classic game ,,Terror in Bikinin Bottom" becouse it had spongebob in it. It barely had any Gamepasses (Microtransactions) and they weren't nessesary. Meanwhile Nintendo took down the other classic game (2 years earlier) , The Mario Adventure obby , for obvious reasons. They're upsetting normal fans , but they have enough brain dead kids to buy their merch/games so that they can survive,

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