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This practice first began in 1936 after victor Louis Meyer asked for a glass of buttermilk, something his mother had encouraged him to drink on hot days. Afterward it became a ritual as milk companies became sponsors of the race purse and handed a bottle of milk to the winner to promote their product. A sponsorship of $10,000 is currently paid out by the American Dairy Association if the winner swigs the milk in victory lane. Among Indy car drivers, Emerson Fittipaldi is infamous for drinking Orange Juice instead after his 1993 victory, before he drank the customary milk. Fittipaldi owned citrus farms in Brazil, and wished to promote his industry.

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Q: Why does the winner of the Indianapolis 500 celebrate by drinking milk?
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No, the winner of the Indianapolis 500 receives a bottle of milk in which they drink in the victory lane.

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People have always been drinking milk. The young drink the milk of their mothers to survive.

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Muslim people celebrate by drinking wine and eating only bread. the baby will also be dressed fully and will be given breast milk and meat.

Can you develop health problems from drinking milk?

Excessive milk drinking can cause milk alkali syndrome - excess of calcium in blood

What race do winners drink cold milk?

The Indianapolis 500

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Can you grow taller by drinking Nestle Nesvita?

It doesn't matter what kind of milk you are drinking, Milk helps you grow so by drinking 2 or 3 glasses of milk everyday will help you grow tall! :)

Can drinking ultra pastuerized milk affect a growing fetus?

Drinking milk while pregnant is good for the mother. The fetus will get what it needs whether the mother drinks milk or not. Ultra pasteurized milk has no different affect on mother or fetus than pasteurized milk. Drinking unpasteurized milk while pregnant is not recommended.

Why do you get cold after drinking milk?

This is an individual thing and not a medical thing. There is no direct reason you would get cold after drinking milk. If you have an allergy to milk, that could be one sign.

Why do they drink milk in the winners circle at the Indy 500?

The ONLY race where milk is drunk afterwards is the Indianapolis 500. It is a tradition that started with the first 500. If you watch European Formula racing, you will see them take a sip or two of champagne, NASCAR drivers do Soft Drinks, Gatorade, water, or even beer. According to the IRL, the milk tradition at the Indy 500 was started in 1936 when the winner, who drank buttermilk on hot days, was photographed drinking buttermilk in Victory Lane. The head of the local dairy saw the picture and talked the track into continuing it. It's a nice tradition.