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I don't know Hun. But ive been told its because sometimes people are heartless. that and you have to go through 1000 heartbreaks befor you find the special one. i just wish they would show up at your door!

Well, You do go through heartbreaks before you meet the one but then the one does turn up at your door, which happened in my case. Then they leave, after promoting all the bull of love and you are finally finished, devastated and your lesson is that there is no such thing as love and relationships are a waste of time. Your heart just got broken one too many times and you are now forever in torment and disbelief. You are angry and frustrated. You just give up and never can give your heart again. You hate people who say things happen for a reason because the only reason you can find is that you are a meaningless heap of crap and it was to completely destroy you. Then people say you will get over it in time or find someone else but why would you want to find someone else when you had the one. Then time keeps passing you by but you are consumed by the love you had for somone and then someone offers to you but it just isn't the same anymore. Your head just aches and you try to find ways to forget, even as far as seeing if you can be hypnotised to forget that the person even existed. There is nothing left because you try to give to someone else but it is just a smoke screen for how you trully feel. You were deceived by someone elses words to you that made you so sure that they would be with you forever. You just can't understand why, they never wanted you to love them the way you did. You are so torn that you rot away in your hidy hole and before you know it, years have passed. You are a long lost memory to them, while your memories seem like yesterday. They get of Scott free, while you get a life sentence. You then come to the conclusion that love and relationships are just a waste of time, and mostly fake. You offered everything you had to this person in exchange for total heartbreak. It sounds like you smothered them but No, it wasn't like that at all. They just lied to you when you told them taht maybe you should cool things because you were beginning to feel for them. They say that they feel the same and then you never hear from them again. There maybe plenty of fish in the sea but you found the one, the angel fish. Why would any other fish just do? It would be mean of you to be with some other fish because deep down, you only want your angel fish. For Angel they are not though.

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Q: Why does love have to hurt so much?
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Love Ain't Suppose to Hurt 2 The Wedding - 2009 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG

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