Her Majesty the Queen is the head of State for Canadaexclusive of Her Majesty's roles elsewhere.
When Her Majesty performs executive functions as they relate to the Canadian system of government, Her Majesty does so as the Queen of Canada, and not as the "Queen of England" (note that the latter title has not existed since the enactment of the Acts of Union, 1707).
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Canada was classed as a Bristish Colony. In 1763 the British took until 1867.
With the passing of the British North America Act in 1867, Canada became a Dominion in the British Commonwealth and John A. Macdonald became Canada's first prime minister. It remained a colony of Britain
The present (2008) Queen of Canada is HRH Queen Elizabeth II, head of the Canadian Royal Family, her full title being: * "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith." The ancestral line of monarchs of Canada is divided in its early history, with Queen Elizabeth I of England claiming parts of some Canadian territories on 1583, while other areas came under Kings of France. (Before colonisation, native indigenous North Americans exercised their own chieftainships / kingships over various territories of Canada.) The fifth monarchy after Elizabeth I was the co-regency of King William III and his wife Queen Mary II. So Queen Mary was the second Queen of Canada, from 1689 until she died in 1694. William died in 1702, being succeeded by his sister-in-law Anne, who was Queen from 1702-14. Anne was the third Queen of Canada, although, as yet, Britain had yet to acquire dominion over all of Canada. It is interesting to note that, in 1710, four native Canadian chiefs, three Mohawks and one Mahican, visited Queen Anne in England, on a diplomatic mission to request military aid to defend against the French. In due course, by war and treaties through the 1700s, all the Canadian Colonies of France were eventually ceded to King George III of the United Kingdom. The third monarch after George III was Queen Victoria, Queen from 1837-1901. She was the fourth Queen of Canada, but with a difference! In 1867 she confederated the colonies of Canada into a kingdom in its own right, and the four Canadian provinces became one country, the Dominion of Canada. For more information about The Monarchy of Canada, see 'Related Links' below the following advertisements.
Canada is NOT under any thing. We have a democratic government led by a prime minister that we have voted in, and that we can also throw out with a vote of no confidence. We have our own constitution.
Canada does not have a Queen other than for ceremonial purposes. We tend to use the current British Queen, QEII, when an image or ceremony needs to be carried out since she was Queen of Canada before we repatriated our Constitution leaving her and Britain with no real role to play in our political systems. The question of her election or replacement will be brought up again once the current Queen of England dies. It will be controversial as many Canadians strongly believe and point to the many Royal references in our documents that Canada must answer to a Queen and her representatives. Yet most Canadians see Canada as a democracy and not one that answers to any Queen or King and certainly not one from a foreign country. So the next election is going to depend on which government is in power. The Canadian tradition so far has been to defer, ignore or put off such fundamental questions but that may not be possible much longer. Hopefully Canada will not be electing any Queen and Canadians will accept full responsibility for their own political future, but history suggests otherwise.
The British monarchy and the Canadian monarchy are mutually exclusive. The British monarchy does not form a part of Canadian government.Her Majesty the Queen is head of State as the Queen of Canada, exclusively of Her Majesty's role as the head of State of other nations. The Queen of Canada is represented by the Governor General, appointed by the Queen on the sole advice of the Canadian prime minister. The Queen's Canadian executive functions are exercised on the advice of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada (as per ss. 11 and 12 of the Constitution Act, 1867).
Queen's Own Hussars's motto is 'Nec Aspera Terrent'.
The Queen you're referring to, I assume, is the Queen of England. Therefore, her birthday is celebrated most likely in all countries that has or has had in the past British "rule", such as Canada. Meaning that Great Britain and Canada celebrate there own queens birthday.
The motto of The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada is 'Ullamh'.
Canada is a British commonwealth. They have their own government and laws, but also recognize the queen.
England hasn't had its own queen for about 400 years. Queen Victoria died in 1901 and her eldest son then became Edward VII.
Her Majesty appears on the Canadian twenty-dollar bill because Her Majesty is the Queen of Canada and Canadian head of State. Many prominent Canadians are featured on Canadian bills.
England hasn't had its own King or Queen for over 300 years. Queen Victoria was Queen of the British Empire (which included England) from 1837 until she died in 1901. Her husband Prince Albert was her Consort but not King.
England hasn't had its own queen since Elizabeth 1 over 400 years ago. In 1853, Queen Victoria was queen of the United Kingdom (which includes England), queen of the British Empire and Empress of India.
England hasn't had its own king or queen for about 350 years. Queen Elizabeth the Second is Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland which includes England. England is now a Constitutional Monarchy, meaning that the ruling regent is more of a figure head rather than an actual political leader. The current regent of England is Queen Elizabeth the II.
No, but she own all the swans, so if you kill one you got to jail. :)
There has not been a Queen (or King) of England for over 300 years. England is a part of, but not the same as, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
there isn't a King of England, mainly because England isn't in own country any more, the Queen of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is Queen Elizabeth II.
Yes, Anne Boleyn was the second wife of King Henry VIII of England and therefore a queen of England in her own right. She was the mother of Princess Elizabeth who later became Queen Elizabeth I of England.