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I think they want to maintain a young mind, just like me , I am around 25, but I also like Cartoons, I think these shows are pure enough, it can made me forgot all unhappy things when I as a adult. That's my answer. Just like this

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

They don't only watch adult shows. Most of the time they don't like children's shows because they find them too simple, childish, or unrealistically positive. However, there are exceptions. Sometimes teenagers and adults watch children's shows, most of the time it is for nostalgic purposes as they revisit shows from their childhood. Sometimes, however, they will find a new show they like. In a rather unusual case, many and perhaps millions of teenagers and young adults, mostly males, have become fans of the show My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. These fans call themselves "bronies".

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Because of their interest. I watch them because they are among the few nice, clean, wholesome movies.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because when people are in university, they plan for their future. And when you constantly study for tests that mean your whole life, you usually don't have time for it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They are young adults so it's logical they would watch shows targeted to that audience.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Contrary to what the question suggests, college students watch a lot of cartoons - ranging from the stupid like spongebob squarepants to the more complex like some Anime.

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Why are university students expected to stop watching cartoons?

because at this stage, maturity is expected from them and world of cartoons is a fantasy which does not exist.

Why are college and university students required to stop watching cartoons and playing video games?

They are not required to.......It's recommended so you can focus more, but not required.

Why are university students expected to stop watching cartoons and grow up?

they need to be mature. i have 14 brothers and sisters in my family 7 of them are in university and non of them watch cartoons. my twin sisters tori and Sam are 6 and a half and they don't watch cartoons so if u still watch cartoons and u r in university grow up!

Why do adults stop watching cartoons and playing video games besides their jobs?

Adults stop watching cartoons because video games has more pleasures like blood and nudity but cartoons dont (awnsered in a kids opinion)

Why do people stop watching cartoons past the age of 13?

Many stop watching cartoons around that age because they aren't interested in cartoons anymore, they're preoccupied with the socially stressful life of a pubescent teenager, or they believe that watching cartoons makes them "uncool." However, many people don't actually stop watching cartoons altogether. While they might become more interested in things like the news or reality TV, there are plenty of adults who still love the occasional mindless cartoon. Cartoons nowadays are catering to these adults, since they throw in double entendres and seemingly adult themes.

Why should people stop watching mainly cartoons by the age of 18?

people are weird

Why do people think you act like a child if you enjoy watching cartoons everyday as a 21 year old adult?

cartoons were made for little children. but that does not stop you from watching them. Answer Watching cartoons would be a childlike activity for a 21 year old if he/she is watching them during the day when most work or go to school. It should not be interfering with what you should be doing.

Why do college students stop watching cartoons?

Well, most people who have been in college or just entered college may think that cartoons are imature and childish, and think that their too old for it. Some may be scared that if their friends knew they watched cartoons they'd laugh at them. No matter, everyone needs a good cartoon now and then. ^.^

Why would people think that it is immature for people over 18 to watch only cartoons?

They think that watching cartoons is like playing with toys, it's not, watching only cartoons is pretty normal for anyone of any age. So don't let anyone stop you if you love them.

Why Should 18 Year Olds Stop Watching Cartoons?

As long as you like watching them, and you find them entertaining, of course not! If your friends disapprove, then they are not true friends. I am still watching power rangers! Keep on Watching!

What are the reasons your girl friends expect you to stop watching cartoons as a man and grow up?

Maybe if you're not spending time with her.

Why are all adults over 18 required to stop watching cartoons as their favorite show?

irt doesn't matter what age you are you can watch whatever shows and cartoons you like....... nice question mate........