"Hurley" was Hugo Reyes' nickname. It was never explained how he got it.
The fat guy in LOST is Hurley.
Hurley likes Libby in LOST. Sadly, Libby was killed by Michael before they were able to have their first date together.
no, not as far as we know. We last saw him leave with Richard and Miles while the rest went with Hurley.
If you are referring to the one that Hurley listens to... its "Delicate" by Damien Rice. .... if this was helpful please recommend me ... if not no pressure
Hugo Reyes.
Hugo Reyes
Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes was created in 2004.
Hurley's real life name is Jorge Garcia
The fat guy in LOST is Hurley.
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes was first to cross the rope bridge. Surprisingly, it held his weight but broke from the strain of Charlie Pace crossing it.
Hurley likes Libby in LOST. Sadly, Libby was killed by Michael before they were able to have their first date together.
Jorge Garcia.
The actor of Charlie and the actor of Hurley.
lost: Hurley, Kate, Jack chuck: Sarah, Morgan, Chuck