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They were going to attend the wedding of Eugene Fitzherbert and Rapunzel.

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Q: Why do the parents in frozen the movie go on the boat?
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Who sang let it go in the movie frozen?

Elsa sang Let It Go in Frozen, who is voiced by Idina Menzel.

What episode when Naruto and Hinata go on a mission together on a boat?

There never was an episode that they went on a mission in a boat; there was a part in Movie two when Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, and there V.I.P's go on a boat.

Where in the Movie Home Alone parents go?


What is let it go?

Let It Go is the name of a song. This song is played in a well known movie called Frozen which came out in 2014.

Which movie won the Oscar for Best Original Song at the 86th Academy Awards?

Let It Go - Frozen

What to do if you're going to a movie with a guy and his parents?

Just go and have fun.

How old do you have to be to go see avatar the movie?

It is a PG13 movie. If you are less than 13 years old you can watch the movie provided your parents are with you

Where can you watch frozen free?

go to you can see it there. Thats where i saw it . you can also see many more movie on megashare.

How does a speedboat work?

with a series of motors. a speedboat is the slowest boat in the world. go tell your parents that your speedboat experts now. i love you

What are the terms for getting on or off a boat?

To go on a boat would be "to embark" or to "go on board." To go off the boat is to "disembark."

What is the movie about the kids who get go karts and steal money for there parents?

Catch That Kid released 2004

If i go to a movie and it says pg 13 does that mean that i can't watch the movie if im thirteen without my parents?

Yeah, you have to be with someone that is an adult.