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They only give birth then because the rain eases the pain and too hot or cold wheather could affect the way the baby is born by the mother. It is also when the mother feels the strongest.

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Q: Why do some animals only give birth in the rainy season?
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Many savanna animals give birth during the rainy season because it is a time when food availability is higher due to new plant growth, providing mothers with better nutrition to care for their young. The rainy season also brings cooler temperatures and increased water sources, which can help offspring survive and thrive in the challenging environment of the savanna.

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All animals that give birth to live young are viviparous and are mammals.

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Actually the answer is yes. Humans are animals and humans give birth to humans.

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All animals give birth. Animals that give live births, like human, are called mammals.

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Here is no one in the world(human & animals) who give birth by their mouth.