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Ganges is considered to be a holy river. It's origin is traced to hair of Lord Shiva which acts as the landing pad for Ganga's descent from heavens. It is said that there was nothing as powerful to counter the impact of Ganga's descent on earth from her heavenly abode. It was Bhagirath the sage who played a great role in bringing Ganges to earth and to liberate his cursed ancestors. It is so blessed that a dip can wash your sins.

There are some very famous places of pilgrimage on the banks of Ganges. One of them are the "Sangam" where Ganges meets "Yamuna" another holy river. Then there are the holy centres of Haridwar, Rishikesh which Hindus consider as one of the Four most religiously important places. Downstream in Kolkata one can visit "Kali Ghat" famous for the mighty goddess "kali" and Rama Krishna Misson

For non-sinners you get to be part of something that originated from a god.

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Q: Why do people make a pilgrimage to the Ganges River in India?
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The Ganges river is sacred to the people of India. It is the river the Buddha used symbolically in many of his teachings.

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The river Ganges is in India and Bangladesh.

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