Because of the high altitude, these winds are not subject to much friction, hence they are faster than winds closer to earth's surface.
jet streams
Jet streams
mid latitude jet stream and jet stream
Jet streams are fast flowing, narrow, meandering air currents in the atmospheres of some planets, including Earth. On Earth, the main jet streams are located near the altitude of the tropopause and are westerly winds (flowing west to east).
"Jet stream is a swiftly blowing wind at a height of 3 to 5 kms above the subtropical high pressure belt. Himalayas act as a barrier in their path and as such, the jet streams are divided into westerly and easterly jet steams. the westerly jet is responsible for bringing western disturbances into north-west India and Pakistan which bring winter rainfall. the easterly jet blowing over northern India is responsible for bringing tropical depressions over India and Bangladesh. these depressions play an important role in the distribution of rainfall." source: icse geo textbook
jet streams
Jet Streams.
Jet streams
Jet streams
Jet streams
jet streams!! :D
They're called 'jet streams'.
High altitude high velocity winds are known as jet streams. These narrow bands of strong winds flow in the upper atmosphere, typically between 7 and 12 kilometers above the Earth's surface. Jet streams can influence the weather patterns and air travel routes.
Jet Streams
High altitude rivers of air are fast-moving narrow bands of strong winds in the upper atmosphere known as jet streams. They flow from west to east and can have a significant impact on weather patterns and aviation routes. These high altitude winds play a crucial role in steering weather systems and influencing the movement of storms.
Jet streams are found in the upper troposphere - these are high velocity air flows that follow a curved path moving west-to-east around the globe.Narrow belts of strong winds are called jet streams. Jet streams blow near the top of the troposphere. The thin layer of air that surrounds the Earth is called the atmosphere.
There are typically six jet streams on Earth: three in each hemisphere. The strongest and most well-known ones are the polar jet streams and the subtropical jet streams. These high-altitude, fast-flowing air currents have a significant impact on weather patterns.