because she said things would be bad for cullens if she became the dinner
Breaking Dawn part 1: November 2011 Breaking Dawn part 2: November 2012
Breaking Dawn Part 2 was released on November 16, 2012.
Breaking Dawn part 1 is out in Australia and I am fairly sure it is also out in most countries and Breaking Dawn part 2 hasn't been released yet.
the next movie in the series is breaking dawn part two
If the movie stays true to the books, then no, none of the Cullens should be harmed.
The Vulturi think Renesmee is an immortal child and so the Cullens find witnesses to prove them wrong.
no, butthey were prepared to why u should b asking about jacob and his crew, not edward!
yes he is he was in breaking dawn part 1 why wouldn't he be part 2 of breaking dawn
Breaking Dawn part 2
Breaking Dawn part 1: November 2011 Breaking Dawn part 2: November 2012
The fourth movie in the Twilight film series is called "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1."
No there is only part 1 and 2 of breaking dawn
She was not in Breaking Dawn Part 2
They are currently making Breaking Dawn part 2. However Breaking Dawn part 1 is already a movie.
Breaking Dawn Part 1: November 11th, 2011 Breaking Dawn Part 2: November 16th, 2012