In the 19th century and the centuries before it, the hunting of animals was not deemed as cruel or wastefull. And for this reason many species have gone extinct. In evelution it is natural for species to die off and others evolve and take their place, but this is natural selection and takes place over millions of years. When species die off in just a few decades it throws the entire ecosystem off balance.
People in the Yukon and Northwest Territories hunt vicious rabbits. It is said that these creatures kill 0-0 people a year and a useless thing to hunt. People up north are pretty dumb sometimes.
The 'purpose' was to allow one person to kill many enemies quickly !
The Inuits do kill walruses because they sometimes use there skin for clothes.
There are a number of predators that kill blackbirds. One is the cat (many people think of cats as cute and friendly, but outdoors, they can hunt and kill all sorts of birds). Other predators that kill blackbirds include raccoons, certain types of snakes, crows, owls, hawks, and red foxes. In addition to predators, there are also certain parasites that are fatal to blackbirds.
Blackhawk, olive drab, I.T.S. HPFU performance jacket.
Penguins are not aggressive towards humans and do not pose a threat to people. In their natural habitats, they are more likely to be afraid of humans and will try to avoid contact.
People hunt turtles to kill them and make Turtle soup
they kill them for meat
You can not kill other penguins on club penguin. The club penguin is for ages 6-14. So if you like to kill people, club penguin is not the place for you.
Yes, because people hunt them. We kill more of them, then they kill us.
Disney's Club Penguin is 100% Violence Free, to kill Penguins, that is fake.
i dont know why they do but thar just dumbies thenb
Native people such as Inuit people usually don't kill wolves. They see wolves as teachers on how to hunt.
People kill them and hunt the seahorse to give to give them to people to buy
no, she looks into their eyes and they turn to stone.
Sadly, some people will kill anything just for the fun of it. If you don't believe me, think of how people hunt for sport.
People kill them and hunt the seahorse to give to give them to people to buy