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The main issue between Pakistan and India is Kashmir Issue. The question is why Pakistan and India wants to control on Kashmir, according to me the main reason are: 1: Kashmir is the major tourism area in South Asia. 2: The land of Kashmir is best for agriculture and mining. 3: Two rivers River Jhelum and River Chenab comes from kashmir. 4: The border of kashmir join or attach with five countries, which are China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Tajikistan.
From the partition to this day major disputes between Pakistan and India are common.One of the major disputes which is unsolved till this day is the Kashmir issue.Before the partition many semi autonomous states had to decide to join India or Pakistan.Many small states had no problem choosing the country but big states like Junagadh Hyderabad and Kashmir.Kashmir could easily come and join Pakistan but Harri singh the ruler was the Hindu and wouldn't let the majority Muslims to join Pakistan.Harri singhs government was effectively overthrown and asked India for help.India agreed provided that he signed the instrument of accession which would make Kashmir a part of India.However condition of accession was that a rule would be held for all Kashmirs to make final choose.India didn't agree. Till this day this dispute is still unsolved,
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First of all river indus rises in tibet near lake mansover. flowing west, it enters india in the ladhakh district of jammu kashmir. then indus and its tributaries - the satluj, the ravi, chenab, jhelum, beas, join with the indus in MITHANKOT,PAKISTHAN.a third part of indus is located in india- jammu kashmir, punjab, himachal pradesh, and the rest lies in pakisthan. hope u find my answer helpful and like this indus is shared by both.
Both claim the territory to be its own. During partition Population of majority Kashmiri were Muslims, but the ruling king was Hindu. Muslims wanted to join Pakistan, but the Hindu King wanted to stay with India. A referendum would have to take later. But never conducted by India.
The Hindu mahraj of Kashmir a to join India while Kashmir people wanted to join Pakistan
Legally, Jammu & Kashmir is an integral and inseparable part of India. The British had ruled India as one undivided country made up of many provinces and princely states. When they left, India was partitioned into two separate countries. The new country, as mentioned earlier, was called Pakistan. The British as well as the leaders of both India and Pakistan had agreed to one basic principle - every inch of land must go either to India or to Pakistan. In other words, people living in India before the partition of 1947, had only two options: they could either join Pakistan or they could join India. They could not remain independent.Jammu & Kashmir was actually an exception. The Maharaja of the State had wanted time to decide whether he should join Pakistan or join India. But the rulers of Pakistan did not want to give him the opportunity to decide and instead attacked his state, killing hundreds of people and causing extensive damage to property. The Pakistani action forced the Maharaja to join India. But still pakistan try to take over kashmir which is illegal.
Pakistan claims Kashmir as Kashmiris are Muslim. India occupied Kashmir because state prince announced to join India against will of Muslim majority . It was wrong decision of then British govt. which created this problem .Actually Kashmir should be claimed by Kashmiri people as decided by U.N . resolution .
The main issue between Pakistan and India is Kashmir Issue. The question is why Pakistan and India wants to control on Kashmir, according to me the main reason are: 1: Kashmir is the major tourism area in South Asia. 2: The land of Kashmir is best for agriculture and mining. 3: Two rivers River Jhelum and River Chenab comes from kashmir. 4: The border of kashmir join or attach with five countries, which are China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Tajikistan.
LOC also know as Line of Control is the border between Indian held Kashmir and the part of Kashmir under control of Pakistan. After interference of United Nations in 1948, both Pakistan and India agreed to stop ongoing war and United Nations took responsibility of organizing a plebisit for the people of Kashmir whether to join Pakistan or in India but, this poll is still pending.
During Independence from British, India and Pakistan two separate countries were made.Every state had option of join these countries or live as an independent state.Kashmir decided to be Indiependent. But tribals from Pakistan attacked kashmir and started taking over land of kashmir.The ruler of kashmir flewed to Delhi and signed declaration to be part Of Republic of India. India launched her army to the kashmir valley and started pushing them back.Under presure from USA and Uno ,creesefire was achieved and line of control was made. India claimes the kashmir as its part while Pakistan its. India has accused Pakistan of soponsering terrorism in kashmir, while Pakistan claims it as mujaheedins.
British used to rule India. When the natives were allowed to have independence in 1947, two states were to be created - one for Muslims and other for Hindus. Many states were Princely states- They were run by local princes and used to give tribute to British Empire. It was let on those princely states to decide whom they want to join or want to be independent. Three states which were contentious were; 1. State of Hyderabad 2. State of Junagarh and Manawar 3. State of Jammuh and Kashmir. First two states decided to join Pakistan. They were Muslim majority states too but India occupied these. Pakistan was unable to do anything as it was just been created. The third state, the state of Jammuh and Kashmir decided to join India. It was also muslim majority state. The people of that state revolted against this decision. This resulted in three wars between India and Pakistan. India does not discuss occupation of first two states and discuss only Kashmir. Source of five rivers is Kashmir so its vital for both countries to control Kashmir. According to Pakistan india set the precedence and whole situation should be viewed in larger context. India wants to focus only on Kashmir.
Kashmiris wanted to join Pk but their raja sold the region to India. now India is stubborn enough to hold on kashmir despite her wish to join Pk. while Pk knowing the Muslim majority in kashmir and also under the sense of brotherhood with kashmiri Muslims wants to get it back from India. later on it will be the wish of kashmiris to join Pk or make their own coubtry. MIND INDIA HAS BEEN CAUSING BLOODSHED, KILLING INNOCENTS, BEING STUBBORN, AVOIDING THE DECISIONS OF UNO AND VOILATING HUMAN RIGHTS EVER SINCE IT HELD ON KASHMIR!
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Kashmir was part of India since countries existed. The Ancient Hindu scriptures refer to Kashmir, and it was the centre of learning under the Sharda University that was destroyed by the invaders. Out of three parts of Kashmir, One third is Muslim, One third Hindu, and One third Buddhist. All these religions are treated equally by India (unlike Pakistan which neglects Minorities) and therefore India is the most suitable country. Furthermore, Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI has plotted terrorism and sold a portion of the part of Kashmir it has occupied, and therefore has no rights to Kashmir. An independent Kashmir would be taken over by the Taliban and would end up as instable as Afghanistan. India is a developing nation; a full democracy and has invested heavily in Kashmir by creating jobs and infrastructure. Few Kashmiris want to join Pakistan and less than half wish to be independent. (see Chatham House report). Therefore India is the best and only option for Kashmir.
For centuries, Kashmir was part of the Indian kingdoms, ruled by maharajas, or princess. In 1846 Kashmir became the British Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. When predominantly Hindu India won independence in 1947, British partitioned the western part of India to create Paskistan as a homeland for South Asia's Muslims. As the leaders of the existing Indian states decided which country to join, widespread rioting broke out between Hindus and Muslims. In the face of the choas, the prince of Jammu and Kashmir sought to remain autonomous. As a Hindu, his loyalties were with India, but the majority of the population waes the Muslim. A Muslim uprising, perhaps supported by Pakistan, sent the prince fleeing to Dehli, where he signed his state over to India. India then sent troops to put down the uprising. The Pakistani army responded, and the first India-Pakistan war began. India claimed a legal and historical right to Kashmir, but pakistan insisted it would be a better homeland for the Muslim enclave. Each side also has strategic needs: India wants Kashmir as a buffer betwwen itself and China, while Pakistan relies on the river waters flowing from the Kashmir for irrigation and electricity.
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