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Q: Why did gabriel prosser denmark vesey and nat turner have in common?
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Can you name 5 slavery heroes?

Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vessey, Frederick Douglas

What did Nat Turner Denmark Vesey and Gabriel Prosser do similar?

They were slaves who led revolts on plantations in hopes to have slavery abolished.

How did Gabriel Prosser Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner influence the northern abolitionist movement?

They passed laws to restrict the slave trade.

What do gabriel prosser denmark vesey and nat tunner have in common?

Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and Nat Turner were all enslaved individuals who led significant slave revolts in the United States during the 18th and 19th centuries. They each sought to challenge and overthrow the system of slavery through armed uprisings, although none of these attempts were successful.

How did southern states respond to slave rebellions like Nat Turner's and Gabriel Prosser's?

No food

The men who led the three well known slave revolts were?

Nat Turner, Gabriel Posser, and Denmark Vesey

The men who led the three well-known slave revolts were?

Nat Turner, Gabriel Posser, and Denmark Vesey

Would the civil war happened without the nat turner rebellion?

Probably. However, uprisings like Nat Turner, Gabriel Prosser and Denmark Vessey increased fear among white Southerners. The fears were increased by support of the uprisings by people like John Brown, who the Southerners felt were supported by Northern abolitionists. The result was a lack of trust of people on the "other" side. .

What two slaves led revolts in Virginia?

In 1800, Gabriel Prosser organized and lead a large slave rebellion in Richmond, Virginia. Prosser ended up being betrayed and he and thirty-five of his followers were hanged. In 1831, Nat Turner led the only effective rebellion in the United States in Southampton, Virginia. Sixty whites were killed before Turner and his followers were captured and hanged.

What african american was hanged after a failed slave rebellion in the summer of the 1800s?

Gabriel- commonly but incorrectly called Gabriel Prosser. He planned a slave revolt in Richmond VA, was captured and hanged in 1800. Nat Turner planned a revolt in 1831 in Southampton VA, and was hanged.

Who lead a group of enslaved African-Americans in rebellion against their slaveholders in 1831?

The Stono River Revolt of 1739 in South Carolina was lead by an Angolan slave named Jemmy.

What did Nat Turner and Denmark Vessey do?

Nat turner led a rebellion but I don't know what Denmark Vessey did.