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Generally, repetition is used to get a point across. When something is repeated in different ways, people remember things more easily, and understand it better.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Martin Luther King Jr had a dream for everyone to have the same rights and everyone to be treated fairly.

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13y ago

Alliteration is used for the emphasis of points. I Have a Dream, I have a dream I have a dream. It tells you how important the topic of the speech is to him.

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Q: Why did Martin Luther King say that he had a dream?
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Who say it i have a dream?

Martin Luther King Jr.

What did Martin Luther King Jr. say he had?

he said, "i have a dream"

What are quotes Martin Luther king jr would say?

He Would Say "I Have A Dream"

Why did Martin Luther King say the I had a dream speech?

It's " I had a dream " and it was his own.

Why did Martin Luther King jr say you have a dream?

Martin Luther King Jr. gave his most famous speech titled I have a dream and he tried to give everyone the same respect. He said I have a dream in his speech, That everyone has equal rights.

Where did Martin Luther King say his I have a dream speech?

Martin Luther King Jr. gave this speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on Auguest 28, 1963.

What date did Martin Luther King Jr jr say his speech you have a dream?

His "I Have a Dream" speech was on August 28th, 1963

What would Martin Luther King Jr say on this day if he was alive?

He would say "My dream has partially become a reality."

How do you say Martin Luther King Day in Spanish?

MARTIN LUTHER KING it's the same sorry no learning a new phrase today

How do you say ''Martin Luther King jr day'' in french?

le jour de Martin Luther king.

What cities or coutries did martin Luther king say his speeches?

he gave an I have a dream speech in front of the Washington memorial in dc

If you ask martin Luther king a question what would it be?

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