Hera was shamed into marrying Zeus after he tricked her and then ravished her.
Yes, Hera married Zeus, yes they are siblings - both being the children of Kronos and Rhea.
Hera was Zeus's wife, and also his older sister.
Heracles is the son of Zeus. Hera is the sister-wife of Zeus.
Hera is the sister and wife of Zeus.
the worst child of zeus and hera is ares
Zeus asked Hera to marry him but sherefused night Zeus sent a storm to where Hera was.Zeus turned himself into a bird. Hera thinking it was a bird she snuggled it. When she realized she was snuggling Zeus she was forced to marry him.
Hera did not want to marry Zeus, but Zeus changed himself into a bird, and then made storms rage over him so then Hera felt pity on the bird into her hands. Then Zeus changed and said that Hera had to marry him. Feeling trapped Hera agreed to marry him because she felt pity on this poor bird
She bribed Zeus to marry him.
Zeus most have loved Hera because he did marry her. He had children with many other goddess but Hera was the one he choice to marry.
No bacause Zeus only had childran with Hera and mortals.
No, Zeus did not marry Gaia. Gaia is considered to be the Earth Mother in Greek mythology and was married to Uranus, the sky god. Zeus was married to Hera, who was his sister as well as the queen of the gods.
Well, he did. He married Hera.
Yes, Hera married Zeus, yes they are siblings - both being the children of Kronos and Rhea.
Yes, because he raped her and she had to out of shame.
In his young days, before he met Hera.