The Greeks actually burned the city of Troy. After sneaking into the city in a large horse, the Greeks opened the gates and Troy was destroyed.
Yes when Hera, Posiden, and Athena betrayed Zeus he was mad and first attacked Hera, then his son Apollo, and final Posiden zeuses brother.For their punisment he made them build the wall of troy
It was right for the Achaeans to destroy Troy. The war started when Paris of Troy took another king's beautiful wife, Helen.
Athena's motivation in the Iliad mainly came from a story that was not included in the Iliad. Eris, the goddess of discord, gave a golden apple at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis (Achilles's parents) to be awarded to the fairest goddess. The three goddesses in contention were Hera, Aphrodite, and of course Athena. Zeus, for once being smart, refused to pick the winner so the unlucky chooser ended up being Paris, a prince of Troy. Paris picked Aphrodite because she promised him Helen. Athena and Hera were both very mad and so helped the Achaeans or Greeks in the Trojan War. This is basically the motivation behind all of Athena's actions, to bring about the downfall of Troy.
cuz of bob
Iris would deliver messages for Hera. Iris delivered news of the Paris and Helen's elopement, which drove Menelaus to raise an army to invade Troy.
Athena? If you are referring to when Paris was Judging the beauty of the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena for the golden apple inscribed 'for the fairest'?
Athena, Hera, and Poseidon Athena and Hera were mad at Troy because Paris had deemed Aphrodite the fairest instead of them. Poseidon has a grudge against Troy because of something Priam's ancestors had done. Zeus had sent Poseidon and Apollo to help King Laomedon of Troy build the walls of Troy. King Laomedon promised to reward them richly but then did not. Poseidon was mad and sent a sea monster, which was killed by Hercules, to attack Troy. He was still holding the grudge during the Trojan War.
to build a wooden horse to destroy troy it was filled with the greatest warriors0
Athena didn't like the Trojans because of a contest between her, Aphrodite, and Hera. Paris, a prince of Troy, had to pick the most beautiful out of the three goddesses and he picked Aphrodite. This caused Athena to hold a grudge against the Trojans.
Well it started when the goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera had a beauty contest. They chose Paris of Troy to decide by giving the winner a golden apple. But they all bribed him. Athena offered wisdom, and Hera offered all of Asia. But Paris chose Aphrodite who gave Helen, the most beautiful women in the world. But Helen was the king's wife. She magically fell in love with Paris and secretly left with Trojans to marry him. The king thought that Paris kidnapped her, and declared war on Troy. I guess you know what happened next.
Eris the goddess of strife wasnt invited to a party so she left an golden apple "for the fairest" and Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera began to fight over who it was meant for.So Zeus chose the mortal Paris the prince of Troy to decide between them; Athena offered fighting skills and wisdom, Hera offered him control over Asia, Aphrodite offered him Helen of Sparta, the wife of the king of Sparta. Even tough Helen was married, Paris chose her. The king of Sparta was enraged so he invaded Troy so he could get her back.
Yes when Hera, Posiden, and Athena betrayed Zeus he was mad and first attacked Hera, then his son Apollo, and final Posiden zeuses brother.For their punisment he made them build the wall of troy
The Gods/Goddesses that supported the Greeks:AthenaHeraPoseidonThe Gods/Goddesses that supported the Trojans:AphroditeAresApolloArtemisZeus
Hera, Athene and Aphrodite.
Zeus is the son of Kronos and Rhea. His siblings are usually said to be Hades, Posideon, Hera, Hestia and Demeter. He also married Hera. His children with Hera are Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus. He is commonly referred to as the father (not by Hera) of Athena, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes, Persephone (by Demeter), Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Minos, and the Muses.
find it out on your own
Athena Zeus