Aside from merely enjoying the taste; or performing the world a service by eating certain people that were a faulty annoyance, it is never entirely explained as to just why he likes to eat people. -- It does however make a little more sense after reading/watching Red Dragon.
Mason Verger plans for his Sardinian henchmen to kidnap Dr. Hannibal Lecter and then feed him to wild boars, trained to kill and eat human beings.
Well, what do rich white people eat? They are as normal as everyone else. They eat like humans, they think like Humans, they're Humans. It doesn't matter what they eat; they can eat anything.
The type of meat Indians do eat is answered in this question. What types of food do the people of India eat Due to religious vocation Hindus do not eat meat. Do Hindu's eat meat
food! Or what they can find, like goat sometimes cow/ meat
Answer 1actually. when traveling through the alps, they had a difficult time. their food had just about run out, so they did the only thing they could think to do. when a soldier died, the other men of the army would eat the fallen soldier. it may be gross, but it was their only means of survival.Answer 2There is no scholarly evidence that Hannibal son of Hamilcar Barca was a cannibal. It is only the movie-character of Hannibal that was a cannibal.
Hannibal was not cannibal but this was one of the nicknames that he had. He had stayed in Italy for 13 years and went back to Africa to defend them.
yes. if you cut the mango into small bite sized pieces.
Lettuce is not a proper food for goldfish.
Pigs are omnivores and will eat anything they consider food, including human flesh if they are hungry enough or if the person is already deceased. However, in general, pigs do not actively seek out humans as prey.
People eat the same food that you eat. Except if you are a different race. For example Indian people like to eat Curry, Italian people like to eat pasta and there are many more examples!
Yes, people eat geese. Chinese people especially like to eat geese.
Because people in Spain are like everyone else in the world, they have to eat. And almost everyone likes to eat.
Lots and lots of people
Polish people eat normal food like people in Europe and America.
People eat at home and sometimes they eat out, just like most countries.
The Acadian people eat foods like ox meat and fish. They also eat foods that they grow like vegetables and legumes.
Many people have different taste about spicy things. Like some people only like a little but people like me eat alot.