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Cos they didnt like it

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Q: Why did France and Germany dislike Wilson's Fourteen Points speech?
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Who was most opposed to the Treaty of Paris?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Germany was most opposed by the final result, France was most opposed by Wilsons Fourteen Points which was greatly modified to become the treaty of Paris.

How old do you have to be to drive a ped?

In the UK, it's sixteen, but in France, Germany, Italy and Spain, it's fourteen

What were the 1st 2 countries to declare war on Germany?

The dislike of Germany from multiple countries began after their invasion of Poland. During WWII, the first two countries to declare war on Germany were Great Britain and France.

Who rejected Wilsons fourteen points peace plan?

The other allied nations rejected his plan because it was much softer on Germany than the Treaty of Versailles.

Why was Woodrow wilsons 14 points unsuccessful?

The Fourteen Points Plan did not work because many of the points were deemed unreasonable to the other countries like Britain and France. They also did not want the U.S. to control any peace treaties since they entered World War I late.

Is France in Germany or near Germany?

France and Germany are two different countries in Europe. France and Germany are near eachother, but both are pretty big countries.

Who were the major players of World War 1?

The major countries involved in the Great War- Triple EntenteBritain, France, Russia Triple AllianceGermany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

What does a Gallophobe dislike?

A gallophobe fears France and/or French culture

France falls to Germany?

Yes France did fall to Germany.

Why were the Fourteen Points formed?

Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were suggestions for possible peace to end the four year conflict between soldiers from England, France, Germany, and Russia......... The Fourteen Points served as both the basis for peace and the hope for the establishment of a better post-war at the conclusion of"the culminating and final war for human liberty ".... Mary Williams

Did Germany try to colonize France?

Germany didn't try to colonize France, Germany succeeded in colonizing France in 1940 after the French government surrendered to Germany.

What border France to the east?

Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.