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Kids need love they can believe in

Perameters they must stay in

Guidance that they can believe in

Basically you can only blame yourself and the other parent. You created him/her and you taught him/her how to behave and also have to teach how not to behave. Sometimes there can be mental issues like ADHD behind it and then you need medication and alternative ways of teaching them things.

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You can keep kids from acting out by caring for them properly at home. Spend time with them, love them, and check up on them. But you can't really control them.

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Q: Why can't my child behave?
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Will Naruto have a child at the end of the series and if he does who will be the mother?

We cant say that yet.

How long can you leave a child under 13 home alone?

you cant not for any amount of time... i believe the age at which you can leave a child home alone is 16 ...

If you are a minor an have a baby can your parents tell you what to do with your child?

They can but they cant force you to get rid of it. But ask a laywer, they shouldn't charge you for legal advice.

How can you get to slugterra?

Go 1000m down the Sufi's you are an adult you are aloud to sling or dual if you child you cant dual or sling but you can practise

What is the duration of Oh Sailor Behave?

The duration of Oh Sailor Behave is 1.17 hours.

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What can you do for your child to behave?

It depends how old they are

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To understand what an adolescent is thinking or feeling. And to find out why they behave in the manner that they behave in. I'm still going to go with, to screw up the Psyche of a child while thinking they are fixing it.

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Do children ever behave?

If your child has done something done something wrong or does not behave responsibly with you limitations can help. Providing limitation to your child often makes your children behave, because after doing it everyday and being used to it being derived of it can make your child do something good to earn it back. Often good examples are restrictions of television, video games, etc.

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No You Cant

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The child behaved well despite being at the doctor's office.

What is the movie called it's about a terrible boy who always behave bad?

Problem Child ?

How do you get ungrounded when your 11?

You behave like a good child and avoid pissing off your parents

How do you correct stubbornness in a child?

be friends with them and show them you care so they will behave nicely too

Why cant your child sit still?

Could just be an active child.

What does it means when your child dreams the devil attacked him?

This is a very common nightmare, reflecting the child's anxiety as he learns to behave and to control his "naughty" impulses.

Should parents behave or react when they see that their child has an ability or talent?

yes they must be happy for them