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Honey is too thick for most infants to swallow, so if they eat honey, they might suffocate.

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Q: Why can't children under the age of 1 have honey?
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What are the demerits of honey?

Demerits of honey include the danger it poses to children under one year of age. There is a risk of botulism for these young children who consume honey. Another demerit of honey it that it has a lot of carbohydrates.

Can honey and cinnamon powder be given to children?

Honey should NOT be given to children under one year of age. Honey may contain Clostridium botulinum spores that can cause infant infant botulism.

Is honey straight from the beehive safe to eat?

Yes for adults, for children below the age of two no! i also agree. Kids under the age of two cannot have honey because it has to manufactured first.

Are nature valley ot's and honey good for 2 years old to eat?

Doctors do not recommend that children under the age of two eat honey. As long as the child is two years or older it would be OK for them to eat.

Why does honey harm infants?

Honey is NOT recommended for children less than 1 year of age because of the chance of contacting botulism poisoning. After that age, you may give honey in moderation. A matter of fact, honey is a great way to subdue an irritating cough.

Why can't you feed honey to babies under the age of 1?

because they explode!

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Kids under 13 cant have a gmail because if you live in the United States you are under the legal age group

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If you are pregnant and under 18 is there any way that you can give your child to some on who can't have children with out letting your parents know?

Ok first things first,what in the world are you doing under the age of 18 and pregnant and second if they cant have children then I guess no but if it is ok with their parents then yes.

Flying under the age of 18?

The rules for children under the age of 18 to fly alone or with supervision varies between airlines. Children under the age of 18 are not required to have an ID, just their boarding passes.

What is the children policy in hotels?

The children policy in hotels varies. Children under a certain age often stay for free. However, there are also fancy hotels that do not allow children under a certain age.

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under the age of five