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It was made a national symbol in 1975. The beaver was the primary fur

traded and trapped by the Hudson Bay Company, and was also shown

on Canada's first postage stamp. Most people consider the maple leaf as

the principal symbol of Amsterdam.

Beaver were trapped by native Indian peoples of North America since before Europeans invaded their lands. The beaver fur trade built Canada, as timber and beaver pelts were the major exports of long ago. Explorers came and ventured farther and farther West seeking to trade for beaver pelts, and eventually trapping themselves as well.

The principal symbols of Amsterdam and all of the Netherlands are the tulip and the windmill of yesteryear.

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14y ago
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13y ago

beavers were a staple of the Canadian fur trade, and the fur trade is what brought waves of immigrants into the country, all of whom would eventually learn to coexsist. also, he is prominient in much native Canadian mythology, being an uncle of grandfather raven and a symbol of hard work and creativity.

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13y ago

the beaver was traped and hunted for there fur which was good for Canada because Europe had no beavers so the fur was send over in return for food and other equipment.

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13y ago

There is not a beaver on, in, or beside the official Canadian Flag.

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14y ago

March 24, 1975

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4y ago

There is not a beaver on the Canadian flag, it is a Maple Leaf.

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Why was the beaver war important for Canada?

beaver are important because they are a part of the ecosystem and keep Canada's food chain balanced they are a national symol and represent us they are on the nickel because of there animalness. i like beavers

Why is the beaver important to Canada?

The beaver was first important because of their fur that was used to keep people warm and still is. It is also important because of the dams they build the lakes were formed.

Why was the beaver important in Canada's early history?

At one time it was very fashionable to make hats out of beaver felt. This was economically important in the early history of Canada in particular. But in the 21st century, there is much less demand for beaver felt, and not many people are wearing beaver felt hats.

What animal is Canada's national emblem?

The beaver is the animal that is the official symbol of Canada, also Finn is the beaver's nick name in eastern Canada

Why is the beaver so important as the national emblem?

The beaver has been very important to Canada's development through the fur trade and thus was incorporated as a national emblem of importance. In other general terms, the beaver represents working hard.

Why were the beavers important to the fur trade in Canada?

in Egland beaver skins were sold for hude profits

What is the name of Canada's national beaver?

Well...a beaver?

Where was the first beaver found?


How did the horse be Canada's national animal?

The beaver is our national animal. The Canadian Horse rather is a national ICON. It is the breed named for our country, and the first horse to be bred in North America.

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