I actually think it is Dead Silence. Its a favourite of mine
Batman's enemy, The Ventriloquist's puppet.
Either a ventriloquist or a puppeteer.
One can learn how to use a Ventriloquist puppet from many different resources. Some online resources on how to use such a puppet include BrownieLocks and Axtell.
Flirting and Dating for Dummies - 2011 was released on: USA: August 2011
The Ventriloquist Store and Ebay are two online stores where you can purchase ventriloquist dummies. Each of these online retailers offers hundreds of dummies to choose from.
Like 4%. im one lol
You can look at/purchase ventriloquist dummies online at this link, http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&rlz=1T4RNTM_enUS351US351&q=ventriloquist+dummy&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wf
Dolls that appear to speak might be called ventriloquist dummies, so one who makes the dolls appear to speak would be called a ventriloquist.
Try visiting puppetsandprops.com They buy and sell heaps of dummies, and have information on how to make one yourself or try .Throwthings.com
Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsly represents a sentient being. http://phobias.about.com/od/phobiaslist/a/automatonphobia.htm
The accepted phobia name for this condition is Automatonophobia.
Umm... fear of puppets IS Pupaphobia, which I have, but fear of ventriloquist dolls is Autonomatonophobia. You don't have Pupaphobia, otherwise the Muppets would scare the daylights out of you. I have both.Pupaphobia, and i have it my friend, there kinda freaky.. muppets however dont scare me, but ventriloquist dolls, argh there damn scary...
Ventriloquist Cat was created in 1950.
The ventriloquist entertained the audience with his impressive ventriloquism skills, making it seem as though the voice was coming from the puppet on his lap.
That would be ventriloquist Chuck Field.