Low availability of clean water, very little basic healthcare, low availability of vaccines and good nutrition.
Fight for natural resources and diseases are some of the conflicts that Africa had.
There are diseases that are region/location specific but there is no reason that the diseases in Africa should be Sub Saharan other than the Sahara itself has no real population to become diseased.
Resistance by Africa,difficult geography and diseases kept Europeans from moving into the interior of Africa.
People die everywhere but Africa is a hot, developing continent meaning that many places are lacking in healthcare, clean water, nutritious food (or food at all) and shelter etc. This means that there is more chance of disease spreading, and people developing and dying of minor diseases more easily.
Population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has resulted in the spread of many communicable sexual diseases. It has also resulted in high unemployment and food shortages.
over in africa, they dont have many medicines to cure diseases.....
There are many diseases associated with Africa. The list includes tetanus, syphilis, pertussis, tuberculosis, malaria, HIV and AIDS, and Ebola.
AIDS leaves people susceptible to diseases. In Africa, many people cannot afford the medical care that others can, so a lot of people in Africa have died because AIDS weakened their immune systems.
It is thousand times easier to fight bacterial diseases in US than Africa. But when it comes to viral diseases, the difference is less dramatic.
Africa was nicknamed the "White Man's Grave" during the exploration period because many explorers succumbed to diseases like malaria, yellow fever, and dysentery while trying to navigate the continent.
Fight for natural resources and diseases are some of the conflicts that Africa had.
There is Malaria, Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, Cholera, and AIDS/HIV, and many more. by Trivs
Everything wasn't that sanitary, causing diseases.
There are diseases that are region/location specific but there is no reason that the diseases in Africa should be Sub Saharan other than the Sahara itself has no real population to become diseased.
It depends on what you mean by that. There are different kinds of diseases. I'm no doctor, but diseases can do different things to you. Examples: Flesh eating disease, breast cancer, tumors. Diseases are triggered by something. It could be from genes, unhealthy eating habits, contact with certain chemicals, etc. In conclusion, diseases just affect people in different ways. Sorry to be so vague, but I'm, again, no doctor.
it came to india from africa
Malaria Diarrhea Aids HIV Rabies