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To make things simpler!

Imagine if they had to draw an actual transistor or battery everytime... that would have been both time consuming and difficult for the person studying the diagram ( as one engineer's drawing of a transistor may be totally different from others )

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9y ago

On a schematic drawing of electrical circuits, writing the names of each electronic part would soon obscure the circuit diagram. Symbols take up less space and keep the schematic more readable.

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Q: Why are symbols important in electronics?
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Difference between electronics components and the schematic symbols?

difference between electronics components and the schematic symbols

How do you describe electronics?

electronics is important in our daily lives.

What is the important of electricity in electronics?

electricity is what allows electronics to operate.

What math used by electronics engineering?

maths has great important in electronics .

What are judaism important symbols and numbers?

There are no particularly important symbols in Judaism, but the number ' 1 ' is quite significant.

What are some important symbols in Massachusetts?

Yes, some important symbols in Massachusetts are the state flag, seal,

Why are national symbols important?

National symbols are very important to national identity. The importance of national symbols can vary, depending on the strength, history, and political environment of the nation these symbols can be used to instill pride and unity in a nation's population.

What are the role of electronics in software engineering?

Electronics in very important in software engineering. It is because their might be client needs regarding electronics.

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Where can one find a list of mathematical symbols?

Lists of mathematical symbols can be found online at Wikepedia, Rapid Tables, PSU website, Binghamton, Radio Electronics, Nikhef, J.D. Fielder, and Wikibooks.

Why symbols are important in the domain of mathematics and in the growth of scientific knowledge?

Symbols are important because they have meaning to human beings. Letters and words are symbols of various concepts arranged in a way that transmits meanings. Numbers are other symbols representing concept. Musical notes are symbols as are pictures in a gallery.

How important are symbols?

Very important. We have symbols all around us everyday. Stop signs, symbols for products ( the Apple apple is a good example), in math, in reading, in signs for business, and in hand gestures.