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Donkeys and horses are not from the same species because of this:

In sexual organisms, two organisms belong to the same species if they are able to breed and have fertile offspring. Although horses and donkeys can have mules, they are infertile, so they are two separate species and the mule is a hybrid.

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10y ago
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15y ago

Horses (Equus caballas) and donkeys (Equus assinus) are of the same family, Equidae, but are not the same species. They have a different chromosome count (64 horses, 62 in donkeys). Horses bred to horses will produce horses, donkeys bred to donkeys produce more donkeys. Crossing a horse and a donkey results in either a mule (donkey x mare) or a hinny (stallion x jennet), which are sterile hybrids.

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13y ago

No. Mules are a hybrid of a horse and a donkey. Because they are a hybrid, they do not have a binomial (aka scientific) name. Donkeys, while part of the equine family like horses, are a different species from horses. The donkey's scientific name is E. africanus asinus.

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14y ago

Yes... they're all in the equine family along with zebras, mules and ponies(and yes ponies are real...)

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15y ago

a horse is not a dumb A$$

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13y ago

Different # of chromosones, I think.

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Q: Why are horse and donkeys not the same species?
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What species are horses and donkeys?

Horse: Equus caballus Donkey: Equus asinus They are two different species, but are in the same family.

Horses and donkeys are not of the same species when defined by reproductive isolation because why?

Offspring of a horse and donkey are unable to reproduce

Why do zebras and donkeys belong to the same species?

Equus, horses and donkeys.

How do you know that the horse and the donkey are not of the same species?

Mainly, due to their physical features. Donkeys look differently from horses, a donkeys mane stands straight up, their tails are shorter, and they sound different (donkeys Bray as apposed to the neigh of a horse). Donkeys are also unable to run as fast as horses, unable to pull as much weight as a work horse can, and they are unable to comfortably sit a person and saddle on their backs. Another reason how it is proven that Donkeys are of a different Species than horses is the number of chromosomal pairs in each. Horse's have 64 chromosomes and Donkeys have only 62, leaving the offspring with 63 chromosomes.

Is a horse a zebra?

Well, they are two different breeds, just like a pony is different from a horse, but they are both a part of the equine species, so a zebra is like a horse, but not exactly the same. Also in the equine species is draft horses, donkeys, and mules.

How long are donkeys preganate for?

Donkeys are pregnant for usually 11-12 months, the same as a horse is.

How were donkeys bred?

Donkeys are breed in the same manner as general horse-breeding is carried out today.

How are donkeys mules and horses related?

Donkeys and horses are closely related as they both belong to the same genus, Equus. Mules, on the other hand, are hybrids resulting from the crossbreeding of a male donkey and a female horse. This makes mules a mix of both donkey and horse characteristics.

Out of a horse a donkey a tiger and a chimpanzee which can be paired in the same species?

None of them are in the same species as if any of them mate they would not give birth to a fertile young. Eevn though horses and donkeys can mate and produce mules, mules are not fertile so are hard to classify within a species. cherrylala xxxxxxx

How are 2 organisms the same species?

If two organisms are able to mate and produce fertile offspring, then they are of the same species.Horses and donkeys are two different species because if they mate, they produce a mule which is sterile (not fertile). This shows horses and donkeys are of different species.

Can horses live with donkeys?

Donkeys are in the horse family so... yes.

How would you determine whether horeses and donkeys should be classified as members of the same species?

Species are basically differentiated by similar features and the ability to have fertile offspring within a specific group of organisms. Horses and donkeys are not the same species because, although they can breed and have offspring (mules), the mules cannot mate.