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we pass out more concentrated urine during hot summer.

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Q: Why Urination is more frequent in winter than in summer?
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Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it increases urine production by stimulating the kidneys to release more water. This can lead to more frequent urination and potentially dehydration if not enough fluids are consumed.

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BPH produces a swelling of the prostate gland that obstructs the urethra. This causes painful urination, reduced urine flow, difficulty starting or stopping the flow, dribbling after urination, and more frequent nighttime urination.

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Which is bigger summer or winter Olympic?

probably summer it has more events but winter is gr8 too.

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Because, in summer the temperature is high and this helps milk to sour more easily than winter. But in winter it is totally opposite to it. Thus, milk turns sour more easily in summer than winter.

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it absorbs more in the summer

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