Canada first belonged to the french, then british. So Canadians are descended from either british or french. that is why many people in Canada speak French.
the first nation people are the first nations that were on earthFirst Nations is a term of enthicity that refers to the Aboriginal Peoples Of Canada who are neither Inuit nor Metis There are currently over 600 recognised First Nation Government and bands spread all across Canada, roughly half of which are in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia.698,025 is the number of first nations people around in Canada
The French. Or if you want to be really specific the Indians were there first.
When the Vikings landed in Canada, the Dorset people had already left that area. There were some people that the Vikings called Skraelingar.
In Canada, the indigenous people are called First Nations' Peoples.
the first people who came to Canada is the first nations or you can call them aboriginals.
The full population of Canada: 27 people.
Canada was discovered in antiquity by the people of the First Nations.
The Early settlers
The Vikings are Europeans and it was people of Asian descent that discovered Canada first.
Before 1867, Canada was divided into upper and lower Canada. In lower Canada most of the people were French. In upper Canada most of the people were British. But on July first, 1867 upper and lower Canada joined confederation to become Canada, This is why we celebrate Canada day on July first :)
the first people in canada ate poo and pee .
The First Nations where always there first but for exploring it, the very first were the Vikings.
through the UK
Canada first belonged to the french, then british. So Canadians are descended from either british or french. that is why many people in Canada speak French.
Native Americans migrated into Canada first. The earliest records are found to be dated around 26,500 BC.