Edwin "buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins. Aldrin walked on the moon while Collins stayed on board and took pictures as well as communicating with Earth.
apollo 11
chiken whit meat
Niel Armstrong
Just as you've done, no apostrophe needed.
pea brain
To the moon they were Michael Collins and Edwin Buzz Aldrin.
Vickers-Armstrongs was created in 1927.
The cast of The Armstrongs - 2006 includes: Bill Nighy as Narrator
Niel Gow died in 1807.
Niel Gow was born in 1727.
Niel Nielson was born in 1954.
Niel Morgan was born in 1904.
Niel Morgan died in 1985.
Niel Hancock died in 2011.
Niel Hancock was born in 1941.
Niel Brandt was born in 1970.