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Nobody knows her human parents because after Alice became a vampire she forgot all about her human family, however her adoptive parents are Carlisle and Esme Cullen.

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Alice Cullen played by Ashley Greene had one sibling named Joe.

Alice Cullen has one sibling, a sister called Cynthia. Cynthia had a daughter who is un-named.

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What was Alice cullens parents names when she was human?

Alice Cullen's human parents were named John and Cynthia Brandon.

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Alice's sister's name is Cynthia Brandon

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What the name of Alice Cullens parents?

Their names are Carlisle and Esme Cullen

What was Alice Cullens sisters name?

vampires: Rosalie bella human: cynthia

What is Alice Cullens full name?

Mary Alice Brandon is Alice's real name, the one that she was born as a human with.

Are the Cullens adopted?

Yes edward ,alice, emmett,jasper,roslie are all adopted

What year did Alice and Jasper join the Cullens?

Alice and Jasper joined the Cullens in 1950.

Why do Alice and Jasper leave?

In Breaking Dawn, Alice forsees that the Cullens best chance of survival is if she and Jasper leave to search for another vampire-human hybrid. However, they had to keep it a secret from the rest of the Cullens so they wouldn't alert the Volturi.

What are the parents names of Alice Cullen?

i dont think the books ever mentioned her birth parrents. But the Cullens parrents are Carlisle and Esme.

Alice Cullens real name?

Mary Alice Brandon Cullen.

What was Mary Alice Brandon cullens fullname before she was adopted to the cullens?

Mary Alice Brandon idiot!!!! You said it in the freaking question!!!!!!!!! Get an IQ