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Q: Who was the protector of women?
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Which Roman god is the protector of women?

Juno is the Roman goddess who is considered the protector of women. She is also known as the queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage and childbirth.

Who was the Protector of Women in Roman mythology?

Hera is the Greek goddess of women and childbirth.

Who is the patroness of married women?

In ancient Rome, Juno was the patroness or protector of women. The goddess Diana was the patroness of childbirth.

Why is Juno so important to rome?

Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.Juno was a member of the "big three" of the Roman gods, the wife of Jupiter and the patron of women. But most important of all, she was the protector of the city of Rome and the Roman empire.

What is Artemis Greek goddess of?

Artemis was the Greek virgin goddess of hunting, wild animals and wilderness, and the protector of girls and women.

Is hera the greek goddness the ruler of underworld?

no she is the ruler of marriage and protector of married women. P.S hades is the ruler of the underworld.

What did Artemis offer mankind?

No so much mankind, as a protector of women in childbirth, girls until marriage, and being the goddess of the hunt.

The name Alexandria means?

Defender of mankind or helper or protector of men/women

Who was the God of childbirth?

Bes was protecting god of childbirth, Taweret was the ancient Egyptian goddess of maternity and childbirth, protector of women and children.

Who is the Protector of marriage and women wife of Zeus?

Hera,the queen of the Olympian deities. She is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and wife and sister of Zeus

What is German word for protector?

Depending on context, protector can be translated as: Beschützer Panzer, e.g. Brustpanzer - chest protector Schutz, e.g. Gewebeschutz - textile protector Schutzschalter, e.g. Stromschutzschalter - surge protector Schützer, e.g. Knieschützer - knee protector

What responsibilities did women and children have on the wagon train?

Mostly women were required to cook and clean on the wagon train as well as provide child care. Men were known as the hunters and protectors. Although relatively rare, women provided as a hunter and protector.