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Victor Fleming directed Gone With the Wind for which he won the 1940 Best Director Academy Award. Two others worked on the movie George Cukor and Sam Wood who briefly replaced Victor Fleming , but the bulk of the film was done by Victor Fleming.

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13y ago

The movie was based on the Gone with the Wind book written by Margaret Mitchell of Atlanta, GA in 1937. It was the only book written by Mitchell and still annually sells more books than any one but The Bible. The movie was made in 1939 with stars Clark Cable and Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard and Olivia de Havilland.

Mitchell was killed by a taxi while crossing Peachtree St in Atlanta. She intimated that she herself was the model for Scarlett O'Hara, and indeed, she was a rebel. Although she was in the high society areas of Atlanta, she refused to conform on many issues.

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13y ago

The author of "Gone with the Wind" is Margaret Mitchell. Margaret Mitchell was born November 8, 1900, and was one of the first female columnist in Atlanta. Her only major publication was "Gone with the Wind", and she is reported to have begun it while bedridden for a broken ankle. Margaret Mitchell died on August 16 1949 at the age of 48.

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16y ago

---- ---- The author of "Gone With The Wind" is Margaret Mitchell.

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15y ago

Victor Fleming, and the two that did uncredited work: George Cukor and Sam Wood.

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Victor Fleming directed the film 'Gone With the Wind' (1939).

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Margaret Mitchell

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Q: Who was the director of Gone With The Wind?
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Who was the director of the film of Gone With the Wind?

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AUTHOR OF GONE WITH THE WIND Gone with the Wind was written my Margaret Mitchell.

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The movie started out with the director George Cukor, then he was later replaced with Victor Flemming who also is known to have directed the Wizard of Oz.

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1939's Gone with the Wind was the first color film to win the Oscar for Best Picture, but the 1937 short, Give Me Liberty, was the first color movie to receive an Oscar at all.

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There was no character named Marcie in Gone with the Wind.

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David O. Selznik was the executive producer of the movie Gone with the Wind. Directors were Victor Fleming, and the two that did uncredited work: George Cukor and Sam Wood. Victor Fleming directed Gone With the Wind for which he won the 1940 Best Director Academy Award. Two others worked on the movie George Cukor and Sam Wood who briefly replaced Vic

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Gone with the Wind in the Vatican was created in 1999.

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the wind is gone there is no air im very first time here there is no wind

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Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell

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There are 423,575 words in the book "Gone with the Wind".