Many different people played a prominent role in the civil rights movement, but the most prominent African-American of the Civil Rights Movement was Martin Luther King Jr.
Stokely Carmichael
Stokely Carmichael <----- Apex :D
his accomplishments were that he was a civil rights activist and was voted to be the most important black leader his accomplishments were that he was a civil rights activist and was voted to be the most important black leader
Martin Luther King jr.
During the nineteen sixties, when the equal rights movement was making waves, black students began to branch out of their segregated schools to attend integrated schools. The University of Columbia and Berkeley College were among the top schools for black college students.
Ozzy Osbourne
who was a black leader who wanted full civil rights for former slaves
Joseph Lowery
Joseph Lowery
Stokely Carmichael
He was an American social reformer and cicil rights leader, he published a weekly black newspaper and was the executive secretary of the NAACP.
Stokely Carmichael <----- Apex :D
Stokely Carmichael <----- Apex :D
Stokely Carmichael <----- Apex :D
Stokely Carmichael <----- Apex :D
Stokely Carmichael
his accomplishments were that he was a civil rights activist and was voted to be the most important black leader his accomplishments were that he was a civil rights activist and was voted to be the most important black leader