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she is the vocal stylist for Heraman E. Calloway and the dusky devastators of the depression

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Q: Who was Miss Thomas in Bud Not Buddy?
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Who is miss thomas in Bud Not Buddy?

She is Herman E. Callaway's wife.

Who was miss grace thomas in the book Bud Not Buddy?

Miss Grace Thomas is a supporting character in the book "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis. She is a kind woman who takes in the main character, Bud, and provides him with a safe and caring home. Miss Grace Thomas is like a mother figure to Bud and helps him on his journey to find his father.

What character traits does miss Thomas have from bud not buddy?

Miss Thomas from "Bud, Not Buddy" is portrayed as kind, empathetic, and understanding towards the protagonist, Bud. She demonstrates patience and compassion in helping Bud navigate through challenging situations, showcasing her nurturing and caring personality. Additionally, Miss Thomas is shown to be supportive and encouraging of Bud's talents and aspirations, making her a pivotal figure in his life.

What Is Miss Thomas Humming Like in Bud Not Buddy?

Miss Thomas humming is like any other is as beautiful as a birdies song

What was bud first kiss from the novel bud not buddy?

Bud's first kiss in the novel "Bud, Not Buddy" was with Miss Thomas, an older woman who Bud believed to be his mother. It was a tender and emotional moment for both characters.

Who is Miss.Hill in Bud Not Buddy?

Miss Hill is a librarian that knows bud.

What does bud get from ms thomas in Bud Not Buddy?

a picture of his mom

Who is Miss Hill in Bud Not Buddy?

She is a librarian!

What does bud first think happend to miss hill in Bud Not Buddy?

she die

Who are the main of Bud Not Buddy?

Bud, Herman E. Calloway, The Amos Family , Bugs, Deza Malone, Lefty Lewis, Angela Caldwell , The Dusky Devastators, And Miss Thomas.

What miss thomas help bud?

Miss Thomas helped Bud by taking him in and caring for him when he had nowhere else to go. She provided him with a safe place to stay and treated him like family, giving him the love and support he needed.

When mr calloway left bud's table who sat in his place in the book Bud Not Buddy?

After Mr. Calloway left, the band members took turns sitting at his spot at Bud's table in the book "Bud, Not Buddy." Bud appreciated the sense of belonging he felt with the band, despite Mr. Calloway's absence.