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Q: Who uses the slogan ZOOM ZOOM?
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The slogan zoomzoomzoom is for what company?

The slogan "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" is used by the car company Mazda. The car company uses the slogan "Zoom, Zoom, Zoom" as it highlights the cars acceleration and "Nippy" features. Mazda are world renowned for creating the Mazda mx5, a short wheel based convertable car.

Match the advertisement with the type of technique it uses Grant Hall for Sprite?

Zoom, Zoom (jingle slogan for Mazda) Keebler elves (cartoon character) Grant Hill for Sprite (celebrity endorsement)

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Digital zoom uses software to zoom in further than regular optical zoom, which uses lenses to magnify the picture.

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The DeBeers Organization uses this slogan. You can see it on their home page, below.

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the water cycle uses a lot of baby power to room room in the zoom zoom in other terms it uses substance to rejaculation

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Champion (the sportswear company) uses the slogan "How you play."

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