Stuart Townsend,
Marguerite Moreau,
Vincent Perez,
Lena Olin,
Paul McGann
Queen of the Damned was released on 02/22/2002.
The Production Budget for Queen of the Damned was $35,000,000.
Queen of the Damned grossed $30,307,804 worldwide.
Rated R for vampire violence
The Queen of the Damned has 491 pages.
The Queen of the Damned was created in 1988-10.
Queen of the Damned was released on 02/22/2002.
The Production Budget for Queen of the Damned was $35,000,000.
The duration of Queen of the Damned - film - is 1.68 hours.
The ISBN of The Queen of the Damned is 0-345-41962-6.
Queen of the Damned grossed $30,307,804 worldwide.
Queen of the Damned - soundtrack - was created on 2002-03-01.
Queen of the Damned - film - was created on 2002-02-22.
I know of 3: 1. New York Undercover (1997) 2. Romeo Must Die (2000) 3. Queen of the Damned (2002)
Queen of the Damned grossed $30,307,804 in the domestic market.