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Napoleon. Hope this helped!
Their was altogether two treaties that established the border between the United States and Canada the first was the Treaty of Paris of 1783 which settled the basic border, then the Webster- Ashburton Treaty of 1842 that settled the boundary between Maine and Canada, in 1844 the land dispute of the Oregon Territory was settled with the United Kingdom, Canada being a part of it at the time which established the present border between the state of Washington and Canada. Then the last time it was altered was in 1903 with a tribunal involving the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, which settled the border between Canada and Alaska. That was the last time the border between the United States and Canada ever changed.
No, season one may be repeated on E4 though. Buy the boxsets if you are interested, perhaps. You could try on demand on virgin.Sky One is now on Virgin again. They have settled their dispute.
Referred to as the Revolution of 1800, this election did two things, three if you include the ultimate death, in 1804, of Alexander Hamilton in a duel with Aaron Burr. First thing is the sitting Vice President ran against the President. That's the first time that happened. Also, the original Constitution had a hole in it. In the Electoral College the electors had two votes. The party system was a new thing, with running mates instead of the two top vote getters being president and vice president. So, when Thomas Jefferson beat John Adams it caused quite a ruckus. The plan was to have one of the electors abstain from voting, but that didn't happen. After the vote both Thomas Jefferson and his VP Aaron Burr had the same amount of votes. That's a tie and ties are thrown into the House of Representatives to be settled. Maybe visions of the 2000 election come to mind. There was much debate, infighting and the case was made that Jefferson was the winner. This spurred the 12 Amendment being ratified in 1804 that clearly distinguishes a vote for President and Vice President in the Electoral College. Burr never entered the fray, never actively lobbied for the post of President and the proof of that was Burr never left New York between the election and the ultimate debate in the House. But this is where Alexander Hamilton, who really wasn't happy with either Burr or Jefferson, lobbied for Jefferson. Bad blood between Burr and Hamilton existed before this and culminated in a spirited run for Governor of New York in 1804 that Burr lost. Burr was running for Governor because he was being dropped from the ticket by Jefferson. They met in New Jersey, Hamilton was shot in the stomach and died the next day. Charges were filed, Burr ran away to the Carolinas but ultimately returned to Washington DC to finish his term as VP. All charges were dropped.
The Inter-Caetera, Papal Bull of May 4, 1493, Pope Alexander VI
The compromise of 1877 settled this presidential election dispute. The compromise agreed to Rutherford Hayes' election as the next President of the United States if he agreed to end Reconstruction in the South. After the 1876 election, there were disputes regarding the credentials of the electors in four states. A special committee was appointed to settle the question. Following party lines, the committee choose the electors favorable to Hayes and he won by one vote. The compromise was worked out to appease the supporters of Tilden, the other candidate.
John Quincy Adams was the only President who did not receive a majority of the electoral votes. There was a dispute over the credentials of some of the electors in 1876, but after the dispute was settled, Rutherford Hayes won a majority of the electoral vote.
His name was "Rutherford B. Hayes"
To settle the 1876 presidential election
The US House of Representatives settled the 1824 election and chose the president in early 1825.
There was great dispute over the credentials of some of the electors but once the dispute was settled, Hayes was elected with a majority of electoral votes. William Tilden received the majority of the popular vote and graciously refused to demand a recount or otherwise go to court to contest the election.
James Polk was the 11th US President. He settled the Oregon Territory boundary dispute with Great Britain via a treaty and settled the territorial disputes with Mexico via the Mexican War and eventuall treaty.
They would have campfires where they talked peacefully and settled disputes
It settled the dispute that Gemany and France were having in 1906 over France's attempts to gain control over Morocco.
They would have campfires where they talked peacefully and settled disputes