No character ever appeared on Star Trek: DS9 with the name "Fortunato."
An actress named Menina Fortunato played the role of an Orion slave girl named Maras on Star Trek: Enterprise, in the episode "Bound."
Michael Dorn's roles in Star Trek are, Worf (main character in Star Trek: The Next Generation), Colonel Worf (Worf's grandfather, seen in Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country), Duchamps (a character in Dr Bashir's Holosuite Program, seen in DS9: Our Man Bashir), Regent Worf (The Mirror Universe counterpart of Worf, seen in DS9: Shattered Mirror/The Emperor's New Cloak), Willie Hawkins (seen in DS9: Far Beyond the Stars). Dorn also appears several times as a Hologram of Worf.
The Latest Series of Star Trek is called Star Trek: Enterprise. It came out in September of 2003 and ended in May of 2005. it is important to note that Star Trek: Enterprise is a rebranding of the previous series Enterprise (2001-2003) In May of 2009 the latest Star Trek movie was released.
it was introduced when captain sisko requested it from starfleet command to help DS9 combat the dominion threat. episode: the search part 1
By trebbles i assume you mean "Tribbles",They're a fictional creation in the series "Star Trek" by Gene Roddenberry. They are small furry creatures with absolutely no use to anyone other then them makeing pleaseing sounds. They eat and breed at a very high rate, Its belived that they have on avaradge 10 young for every 1 tribble every hour. They appear in Star Trek: TOS "The trouble with Tribles" and Star Trek: DS9 "trials and tribulations". In the DS( episode its stated that the Klingon Empire culled the race of Tribles and left non alive, However the crew brought one back, Thus the tribble race survived into the future.
Star Trek (aka The Original Series) 1966-1969ST: The Animated Series 1973-1974ST: The Next Generation 1987-1994ST: Deep Space Nine 1993-1999ST: Voyager 1995-2001Enterprise 2001-2005Discovery 2017-Current
DS9 refers to the Star Trek spin off series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
In Star Trek, DS9 stands for "Deep Space Nine". Deep Space Nine was a Star Trek Series that premiered in 1993. The series had 176 episodes and ran until 1999.
In order of Storyline:Star Trek: ENTStar Trek: TOSStar Trek: TNGStar Trek: DS9Star Trek: VOY (Overlap between DS9 and VOY).In order of air date.Star Trek: TOSStar Trek: TNGStar Trek: DS9Star Trek: VOY (Once again there is an overlap of about 5 years of plot, but they don't spoil for the other).Star Trek: ENTHope this helps.
Star Trek : The New Generation - "The Mind's Eye" , DS9 - "Let He Who Is Without Sin... " and ENT - "Two Days and Two Nights" .
"Rivals" in season two, playing the character Roana.
An absolutely huge amount. Most of the latter series of DS9 are composed of them.
Michael Dorn's roles in Star Trek are, Worf (main character in Star Trek: The Next Generation), Colonel Worf (Worf's grandfather, seen in Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country), Duchamps (a character in Dr Bashir's Holosuite Program, seen in DS9: Our Man Bashir), Regent Worf (The Mirror Universe counterpart of Worf, seen in DS9: Shattered Mirror/The Emperor's New Cloak), Willie Hawkins (seen in DS9: Far Beyond the Stars). Dorn also appears several times as a Hologram of Worf.
The abbreviation for the Star Trek from the 60s is ST:TOS, or just TOS, TOS standing for "The Original Series" Star Trek: The Next Generation becomes ST:TNG or just TNG. Star Trek: Deep Space 9 becomes ST:DS9 or just DS9. Star Trek: Voyager becomes ST:VGR or just VGR. Star Trek: Enterprise becomes ST: ENT or just ENT.
Yes. Terry Farrell is 49 years old.
Actually, no. That is Colm Meaney you are remembering. He is quite similar in appearance. He played the transporter room dude and all around sonic screwdriver operator on star Trek Deep Space Nine according to the official Star Trek site. yes
EnterpriseDiscoveryOriginal SeriesNext GenerationDeep Space NineVoyager[Next Gen. DS9 & Voy overlapped]
The Latest Series of Star Trek is called Star Trek: Enterprise. It came out in September of 2003 and ended in May of 2005. it is important to note that Star Trek: Enterprise is a rebranding of the previous series Enterprise (2001-2003) In May of 2009 the latest Star Trek movie was released.