The area of Lapland - Sweden - is 109,702 square kilometers.
Lapland - Sweden -'s population is 94,350.
Yes, there are airlines that offer flights from Lapland to other parts of Finland. A major airway in Lapland that offers this service is Helsinki-Vantaa Airport.
Lapland covers an area that spreads through Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia
In Lapland, you can: breed reindeers or you can also be tourist quide or sales person to Finnich or foreigen tourists.
Lapland is in Europe.
Lapland is the largest region of Finland. The population is approximately 180,000.
lapland city
You would find Lapland in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Russia. The majority of Lapland is in Finland.
If you mean what continent Lapland is in, then it's Europe.
The population of Northern Lapland is 16,858.
University of Lapland was created in 1979.
Lapland - Finland - was created in 1936.
The population of Eastern Lapland is 18,570.
The population of Tunturi Lapland is 14,280.
Lapland is the northern part of Scandinavia.
Lapland is located in Europe, spanning across parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.