Sam earle and Chloe rose
Melinda shankar and Daniel Kelly
Justin Kelly and Samii Folliot
Actually Sam Earle (HAWT) and Chloe Rose aren't dating check this page out for the real answer, and a very funny statement from him :)!/Smearle_RH/status/108769242928779264
munro chambers
Yes Marco is gay in real life.
On Degrassi, Spinner's real name is Gavin Mason. In real life, his name is Shane Kippel.
No Not at all
munro chambers
not in real life but in degrassi he is
Yes Marco is gay in real life.
Campbell is 15 in degrassi but he is 18 in real life.(: hope this helped!
On Degrassi, Spinner's real name is Gavin Mason. In real life, his name is Shane Kippel.
No Not at all
her real name in real life is Chole Annette Rose.
Jane's name is real life (the actresses name) is Paula Brancati :)
Issy is Mia's little sister in real life.
The Degrassi name is not real. It's a real school building but it's closed down. Degrassi was never a real life school district. It's all fictional.BTW, Degrassi: The Next Generation isn't even filmed at a school. It's filmed in a warehouse at Epitome Pictures in Toronto.Correction......Degrassi is a real place. Degrassi Streetis a street in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, which was made famous by the Degrassi series of television shows for youth. The first Degrassi series, The Kids of Degrassi Street on CBC, was filmed in a real public school on the real Degrassi Street, although the later series moved to a film soundstage. The series continues as Degrassi: The Next Generation on CTV.Degrassi School was not actually in the neighbourhood:68 Daisy Street - Vincent Massey School in Mimico - Kids of DegrassiCentennial College - 951 Carlaw Ave (Centre for Creative Communication) - Degrassi High but it is a real place but not the real schools name