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Aeneas escaped from the city of Troy

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Q: Who is the only Trojan soldier to escape from Troy?
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Was the book troy made into a movie?

The movie "Troy" wasn't based on a book called Troy. It was based on The Iliad by Homer. The Iliad tells only a small portion of the 10 year Trojan War--about 9 weeks, I believe. The move "Troy" is a condensed version of The Iliad.

Was hector a real person?

Some argue and say there is evidence that Hector actually lived and was a great warrior in the Trojan Wars, which is likely but he was probably wasn't the amazing warrior as he is depicted, He was more than likely just a stand out soldier in the Trojan Army. Its mostly believed that Hector was a mythical character depicted as the greatest warrior in Troy. The myth claims he was slain by Achilles, and his lifeless body was dragged from the walls of Troy to the Greek lines. His brother Paris killed Achilles in the siege of Troy by shooting Achilles in the only vulnerable place on his body, the heel, that's where the term Achilles Heel stems from, meaning a persons special weakness.

What is the story of Troy?

the story of the fall of troy is as follows. after 10 long years of battle, in which many heroes. died, including hector and Achilles, the Greeks used trickery to beat the Trojans. at the advice of Odysseus, the wisest of the Greeks, the army was to build a huge hollow horse, as a peace offering, and leave it for the Trojans. they would also leave behind a soldier to lie to the Trojans and tell them that the Greeks had given up. then the Greeks sailed away, but only a little way of. now inside the horse the best of the Greek soldiers hid, and when taken into the city with the horse they waited until night time, then, with the rest of the army that had sailed back to Troy, they attached the city and set it on fire, killing all of the Trojans they met. thus ended the city of troy.

What was the relationship between Hector and Aeneas?

Aeneas is mentioned in the Iliad as some kind of company captain in the Trojan army; since Hector is the commander in chief of the Trojan forces, the relation between the two heroes must have been close.In the Aeneid the ghost of Hector brings Aeneas the penates of Troy to carry to Italy.The penates were the special gods who guarded a city - its soul. A city only truly died when its penates were destroyed or captured.Since Aeneas carried Troy's penates to Italy, where they eventually became the penates of Rome, Rome was the reincarnation of Troy.

What is the setting in the movie Helen of troy?

Troy was a city encircled by high walls impregnable.The top of the walls had ramparts from where it was easy to thwart invasions.Troy was an island approachable by sea only.The stretch of sand between the wall and sea was the only place where invaders could land which made defending Troy from the ramparts easy.

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A Trojan.

What is a person from troy who only goes out after dark element pun?

A Trojan Nightshade.

Who killed Archilis in Trojan war?

Paris of Troy killed Achilles in the Trojan war by shooting a poisoned arrow into his heel, the only part of him that wasn't protected. This is where we get the phrase "Achilles heel".

What did Trojan Hores die for?

Possibly you mean the 'Trojan Horse', which was a huge wooden model of a horse in which the Greeks concealed soldiers in order to capture Troy. So, since the Trojan Horse was only a model, it wasn't alive, thus couldn't die.

Was the book troy made into a movie?

The movie "Troy" wasn't based on a book called Troy. It was based on The Iliad by Homer. The Iliad tells only a small portion of the 10 year Trojan War--about 9 weeks, I believe. The move "Troy" is a condensed version of The Iliad.

What are some clues that the Trojan war may not only be based on a myth?

The VIIa level of Troy does not show signs of significant military activity.

Who was the only Trojan prince to survive the war?

Aenaes the third cousin of Hector, managed to escape and he founded the roots of rome

What weapons did troy use in the Trojan?

The weapons used in the trojan wars were: A SPEAR - used as a primary weapon of a Greek or Trojan soldier. A SWORD - would only be used if your spear was broken. But still an effective close combat weapon. A BOW - used in large numbers to break the ranks of an enemy line. Or by an individual to try to kill the enemy before they can get too close to you. A JAVELIN - were thrown by men on foot or were thrown from chariots. AND THAT'S WHAT I MOSTLY KNOW SEE YA

What weapons did troy use in the Trojan was?

The weapons used in the trojan wars were: A SPEAR - used as a primary weapon of a Greek or Trojan soldier. A SWORD - would only be used if your spear was broken. But still an effective close combat weapon. A BOW - used in large numbers to break the ranks of an enemy line. Or by an individual to try to kill the enemy before they can get too close to you. A JAVELIN - were thrown by men on foot or were thrown from chariots. AND THAT'S WHAT I MOSTLY KNOW SEE YA

Was hector a real person?

Some argue and say there is evidence that Hector actually lived and was a great warrior in the Trojan Wars, which is likely but he was probably wasn't the amazing warrior as he is depicted, He was more than likely just a stand out soldier in the Trojan Army. Its mostly believed that Hector was a mythical character depicted as the greatest warrior in Troy. The myth claims he was slain by Achilles, and his lifeless body was dragged from the walls of Troy to the Greek lines. His brother Paris killed Achilles in the siege of Troy by shooting Achilles in the only vulnerable place on his body, the heel, that's where the term Achilles Heel stems from, meaning a persons special weakness.

What was Troy?

Troy was an ancient city located in modern-day Turkey. It is famous for being the setting of the Trojan War, as depicted in Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. The city of Troy was eventually destroyed and is now an archaeological site.

What sides did each of the gods take in the Trojan war?

The gods did take sides in the Trojan War. The Olympian Gods took the following sides: -Athena- Greek -Hera- Greek -Hephaestus- Greek -Poseidon- Greek -Zeus- Neutral -Aphrodite- Trojan -Apollo- Trojan -Ares- Trojan -Artemis- Trojan -Hermes- Trojan -Hades- Neutral they split themselves. some on troy others greek Actually Hermes sided with the greeks. In the Odyssey, he helps Odysseus on his journey.There are only 11 gods here