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andry rajoelina

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Q: Who is the most important person in Madagascar?
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Who is the richest person of Madagascar?

the richest person in Madagascar are Jimmy ,Iky and Markus

Conservation International organized a major symposium in Madagascar one of the planet's most important biodiversity hot spots What is the largest city in Madagascar?


In 2006, Conservation International organized a major symposium in Madagascar, one of the planet's most important bio-diversity hotspots What is the largest city in Madagascar?


What city in Madagascar is most populated?

The most populous city in Madagascar is Antananarivo.

When was The Most Important Person created?

The Most Important Person was created in 1972.

What important landmarks does Madagascar have?


What is the most famous dish in Madagascar?

Madagascar is known for its simple and flavorful desserts. Madagascar produces most of the world vanilla and many of their desserts are flavored with it.

Who was the most important person in the byzantine time?

The most important person was Justinian. He ruled most of the Western and eastern.

The important person to Miley Cyrus?

the most important person to her is her dad!

Where are most the worlds vanilla beans grown?

in madagascar

What is the most important river in Madagascar?

The longest river there is Mangoky. Its length is 350 miles. Onilahy is on the second place, and Betsiboka is on the third.

Who was Most important civil war person?

the most important civil WA person was a you! no who am i kidding its Abraham Lincoln