Ihmeperhe is a Finnish equivalent of the title to the movie 'The Incredibles'.
Misutâ inkurediburu is a Japanese equivalent of the title to the movie 'The Incredibles'.
De utrolige is a Danish equivalent of the title to the movie 'The Incredibles'.
The main charachter is usually reffered to as the protagonist(or the good guy) and the person that he/she conflicts with is usually refered to as the antagonist(or the bad guy).
The Iron Giant (1999)The Incredibles (2004)Ratatouille (2007)
The protagonist is Mr Incredible the antagonist is Syndrome
The Incredibles was created in 2003.
The Incredibles came out in 2004
The duration of The Incredibles is 1.92 hours.
A search og Google with the term, "The Incredibles" will provide an answer for you.
The Incredibles was released on 11/05/2004.
The Production Budget for The Incredibles was $92,000,000.
Velocipods are winged aircraft in The Incredibles Universe.
The last name of the incredibles family is 'Parr'
There are 3 children in the incredibles family
Brad Bird directed The Incredibles. He also directed Ratatouille.
Yes there is. If you type into google , "review on the incredibles" there are millions to choose from!