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Q: Who is regarded as the father of electric Telegraph in India?
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Who invented the electric telegraph in India?

Well......hisorry to say that i don't know

Who is Father of white revolution of INDIA?

Dr. V. Kurien is regarded as 'Father of white Revolution'.

Who is regarded as father of militant nationalism in India?

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Who is considered the father of white revolution in India?

Dr. Vargeese Kurien is regarded as 'Father of white Revolution'.

Who was called father of white revolution in India?

Dr. Verghese Kurien is regarded as 'Father of white Revolution'.

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Norman Borlaug is the father of green revolution but M S Swaminathan is regarded as the father of green revolution in India.

Who is considered as father of the white revolution in India?

Dr. V. Kurien is regarded as 'Father of white Revolution'.

Who is known as the father of Indian atomic bomb?

Homi Jehangir Bhabha, the first chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of India (1944), is regarded as the father of India's nuclear program.

When telegram service started in India?

The story of Indian telecom began with the telegraph when the first experimental electric telegraph line was started between Calcutta and Diamond Harbour in 1850

Who is editor of the Telegraph in India?

Aveek Sarkar

What is some information on Gandhi Mahatma?

There is so much information on Gandhi Mahatma who is regarded as the father of India. He influenced the Hindu religion and pushed for the independence of India through the Indian National Congress. He was assassinated on January 30, 1948 in New Delhi, India.

First telegraph line in India was laid between?

Calcutta to Agra