personally, i think dialga is stronger than palkia.
Chat with our AI personalities well did you train bidoof?if not well, then dialga.if otherwise ,then bidoof.
If you have the action replay just use the Pokemon modifier cheat PS. i know it isn't the best answer but its the only one i got ANSWER:After you have bet the Pokemon league you go to the spear pillar (where you got Girantina) And there will be a blue portal instead of purple portal (Girantina's) And there you get dialga. After that there will be a pink portal for palkia.
The diamond is a hold item that Dialga, the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon diamond, holds, making its moves stronger or do more damage.
No Pearl Is Better because palkia and dialga are the same put palkia has 1 bar more speed. Also because dialga has roar of time palkia has spaial rend roar of time does more damage but spacial rend does over half of roar of time and roar of time has to recharge
darkrai BUT she or he is not a legendary. palkia is a legendary. palkia and dialga. are not Friends. Darkrai,there both a Legandary because he could make him go to sleep then attack.
hes no where but you can see Saturn in the galactic hideout
dialga is more powerful
yes u can get him you need some idem and you can also get plakia and grintia
NO.(Arceus is a CHUMP). :) Arceus also created Arcuri, Giratina, and Mew.
Dialga is stronger but not because of the game. Palkia is really fast allowing it to always strike first. Its best attack is space break which is enough to kill Dialga in 5 hits but Dialga is good at reversing and countering. When Palkia is weakened and can't dodge any more Dialga can finish it with time roar.
Technically, Dialga isn't better it's just a opinion. I guarantee people out in the world think Plakia is way better but still it's a opinion Username17-same person as just lost's password................................
You need to have Dialga, Garitina and Plakia in your party and then just go to route 201 and you will see a level 50 jirachi
The 'Diamond statue' you speak of is located to the East of Enterna City. This statue is the same in Diamond and Pearl, as you can see it is a mix of Dialga (Diamond Legendary) and Plakia (Pearl legendary.) If this is not what you ment by your question, feel free to cantact me on my message board.
Giratina created Dialga and Palkia.But still arceus is a little stronger than Dialga but not than Giratina.