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Rainbow Ponyta looks like a rainbow

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Q: Who is Rainbow Ponyta?
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How can you evolve rainbow ponyta?

You can catch rainbow ponyta at the top left of route 7 or bottom right of route 7.Rainbow ponyta evolves into rainbow rapidash at level 50.

How do you get the rainbow rapidash in Pokemon battle arena?

to get the rainbow rapidash you have to get a rainbow ponyta and evolve it. it evolves at level 50.

What pokeball catches rainbow ponyta in Pokemon battle arena?

super pokeball

What lvl do rainbow ponyta evolve?

There Is Not A Rainbow Ponyta But Their Is A Shiny. Its Body Is The Same But Its Flames Are Blue. It Evolves At Level 40 It DOES EXIST i caught two...Look up NewzGuyz in Pokemon battle arena and look at my line up i have them at the last two slots .. . Search me up on i also have a Rainbow ponyta. 6 in fact. i had to use masterballs to catch them as i got them when they first appeared on route 7 at lvl 30. so. PM me if you wna buy some.. P.S I will trade lots of stuff even cash for a dratini... Omg. they are on Route 13 but i havnt seen one there and I've looiked for like 3 hrs.!! So yea.. Please if u find out what lvl the Rainbow Ponytas evolve at, tell me. i have a lvl 41 Rainbow ponyta still not evolved.... D= Thanks, James. =) i got one... look up joannech1751 ... should be in my lineup (btw James wht is your username and i didnt have any luck finding a dratini) hey James.. i got a dratini.. you want it? and i also catch a rainbow ponyta in my first two steps in pba and caught it using only 2 pokeballs.. =) The Rainbow Ponyta evolves at lvl 50 after researching awhile. :) .

What level does rainbow ponyta evolve?

Rainbow ponyta doesnt exist. if it does, let me know and send me a picture... It DOES EXIST i caught two... heres the pic no lie. Look up NewzGuyz in Pokemon battle arena and look at my line up i have them at the last two slots well... i caught one... check up joannech1751 :)

What is the location of ponyta in Pokemon sapphire?

Ponyta is not in the game.

When does ponyta evolve in platinum?

ponyta evolve in to rapidash

What level does rainbow ponyta evolve in pokemon crater?

Darn, another fake game problem! Go and complain to the person who sold you that game imeddiatly! I cannot answer your question, sorry.

What lv does ponyta involve?

Ponyta will involve at LV 40

How do you get ponyta on Pokemon tower defense?

you get a ponyta on cinbbar island.

On Pokemon platinum what is he cross between ponyta and monferno in a egg from the babysiter?

It depends on which one is the female. If ponyta is the female, it will be a ponyta with monferno's moves. If monferno is the female, it will be a chimchar with ponyta's moves.

What level does ponyta evolves?

Ponyta evolves into Rapidash starting at level 40.