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In the Star Trek movie The Wrath of Kahn, khan's species was human. He was a genetically enhanced human, called an Augment, from Asia, from the 21st Century, and his full name was Khan Noonien Singh!

I recall from the ST:TOS episode that he was supposedly from India. Also, he and his people were put into suspended animation in 1993, which was 25 years into the future with respect to when the episode aired, but still in the 20th century.

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The late , November 25, 1920 -- January 14, 2009 , Ricardo Montalban played the role of Khan Noonien Singh (to perfection) .

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Khan is a genetically enhanced human, specifically a Sikh from northern India.

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Ricardo Montalbán? He played Khan Noonien Singh in the Original Series episode "Space Seed," and also starred in the 1982 movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.