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Patroklus / Patroclus is Achilles' close friend whom Hector kills in battle near the crisis of the Iliad.

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Q: Who is Achilles friend who died by hectors sword?
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Achilles friend who died by hectors sword?

Patroklos was the friend and comrade of Achilles. Hector killed Patroklos believing him to be Achilles.

Did Athena have anything to do with Achilles armor?

the armor that Achilles had was given to odysseus after he died

What are differences in Achilles' character in Troy and Iliad?

In Iliad, they make it seem like Achilles is a horrible person, who kills hector but in the movie, Brad Pitt, who is playing Achilles is a good person and kills Hector because Hector kills Achilles's cousin..Hi,Just adding to the said above.In the Iliad, Homers portrayed Achilles as a God, who was as if he was immortal. As well as a disturbed, human being.Where in The Movie Troy, Achilles was believed to show "Human like emotions", As well as being a godlike creature who is Immortal.These Differences are shown in the scene in both the poem and the movie, where Priam King of Troy, goes to Achilles at the Greek WAR camp as for Prince Hectors Dead Body back.In the Iliad- Achilles says, that Hectors Body is for the dogs and the bird, to feed on. Where he shows NO emotion. King Priam Offered a ransom, for hectors body which was hectors weight in gold and one on Priams own Daughters hand in marriage.In the Movie- Achilles shows great emotion toward Priam, and even cried over Hectors body while wrapping Hectors body for Priam to Take back to Troy for His funeral.I hope I have helped!Eryn.Oh, by the way Achilles Cousin name was Patroculus who died in both the movie and the book. However, He wasn't only Achilles's cousin, he was also Achilles's Lover!

Does Hector ask Achilles to return his body to his family if he dies if so why?

Yes, he did ask Achilles to return his body, but he didn't state why, and Hector did died.

What was Hector doing when he was killed?

first he was going to stand up to Achilles, then he got scared and started running aroung the city (Troy). Athena tricked him, so he went to face Achilles. he then begged Achilles to let his people have his (Hector's) body if he died. Achilles refused. so then they fought, but it was pretty short, Achilles pretty much just killed him. Then all the Acheans came to stab Hector...